When OpenAI unveiled o1[1] it claimed that its latest large language model (LLM) showed new levels of AI capability. Today, the excitement has largely receded, and the capabilities of this model have been recaptured by open source [2]. For a moment, there was almost a bitter-sweet moment when it almost seemed as if the model had caught up with human capabilities. Beyond marketing, o1 prompted again a discussion about how advanced LLMs really are, how well they capture human abilities, and what it takes to get to an artificial intelligence with the same cognitive capabilities as us.
In this article, we will try to answer the following questions:
- What are the current limits of AI?
- Is the LLM the one that would lead us to human-level AI?
- What do we need for the AGI?
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The limits of a God
The LLM revolution led to speculation that we were close to developing artificial general intelligence (AGI). The arrival of ChatGPT was an ecstatic moment when one could talk to a chatbot with capabilities never seen before, almost as if it were another human being. Then the awe faded away. Until 2022, though, the general public had never asked: is artificial intelligence at the cognitive level of a human being?
This is because the previous models had yes superhuman capabilities but only for specialized applications. For example, AlphaGo [10] had been able to defeat human champions with relative ease, but no one thought that what makes us human was knowing how to play Go. In 2022, though, DALL-E and ChatGPT showed abilities that we generally associate exclusively with humans: creating art and being able to write.
LLMs are not only good at writing but show a range of skills as wide and flexible as ours. In a short time, they have shown that they can pass exams that were usually reserved for humans. This has led to uncanny valley in discussing with them, and to the fear that they may soon replace us in our work.
But do LLMs really have cognitive abilities similar to or superior to humans?
Reasoning and creativity are two abilities that are generally attributed only to humans. Both of these capabilities are difficult to define (and it is difficult to find an unambiguous definition and how to measure them). We have already discussed in a previous article the alleged limitations of LLMs in reasoning. Recent studies rule out that an LLM is truly capable of reasoning. In summary, an LLM uses its gigantic memory to be able to find patterns to answer a question. If it can’t find patterns it is unable to solve a problem.
In addition, recent studies show that an LLM uses a bag of heuristics to solve mathematical calculations. In other words, it uses a set of rules to be able to answer a large number of cases [3]. This is generally enough to answer most of the problems. An LLM either has seen similar patterns in its huge training or can use one of the heuristics. This does not mean real reasoning.
Creativity in writing was recently questioned by a recently published article [4]. Until now, we have not been able to match the LLM’s generated text with what is on the Internet. This makes it difficult to estimate if LLMs are creative or not. New methods allow us to conduct this analysis [4]. The authors clearly show that an LLM is not creative, it is simply text learned during training and regurgitated on demand. In a fair comparison, we see that humans are much more creative than LLMs. According to them, the generated text that seems original comes from private data used in training that we cannot analyze. Also, being a stochastic parrot, the text produced is not exactly the same but with some slight variation.
These results clearly show that LLMs are capable of neither reason nor creativity. LLMs are impressive in finding information in the huge pre-training corpus and responding with this knowledge to a user’s question. However, LLMs are not capable of using this knowledge, recombining it, or creating something new.
The Savant Syndrome: Is Pattern Recognition Equivalent to Intelligence?
Exploring the limits of artificial intelligence: why mastering patterns may not equal genuine reasoning
LLMs and the Student Dilemma: Learning to Solve or Learning to Remember?
Investigating Whether Large Language Models Rely on Genuine Understanding or Clever Heuristics in Arithmetic Reasoning
It is the LLM that will bring us AGI?
No religion needs facts; they all just need miracles and commandments. When the scaling law was published in 2020, many researchers saw both a miracle and a commandment [5]. By increasing the number of parameters, text, and computation, the loss could be linearly decreased and predicted. From there the way was marked and scaling the models became a religion. The second miracle was emergent properties. For many, it meant that we just had to scale the model. Reasoning and creativity in short would appear on their own at some point in scaling.
Not all religions last forever. Faith in the scaling law has begun to creak in the past year. First, emergent properties may not be a real phenomenon but a measurement error. Second, the models do not scale as well as predicted (or at least LLMs are not as powerful as the scaling law predicted). One correction to the dogma was: that there is not just one scaling law, but at least three. For some researchers you have to scale pretraining, scale post-training (alignment, fine-tuning, or any other post-process), and the last scaling law: inference time compute [6].
Sam Altman had vehemently defended the parameter race (after all, this scaling law was a product of OpenAI) but now he does not seem so convinced either:
“When we started the core beliefs were that deep learning works and it gets better with scale… predictably… A religious level belief … was…. that that wasnt’t gotten to stop. .. Then we got the scaling results … At some point you have to just look at the scaling laws and say we’re going to keep doing this… There was something really fundamental going on. We had discovered a new square in the periodic table.” — source
The problem is that the scaling law is not a physical law (however much it has been passed off as such), but a general recipe that states: for most cases, more parameters and more training will lead to better results (lower loss). Loss is not an indication of intelligence, and extrapolating from loss the concept of intelligence is wrong.
In addition, the new scaling law of inference time is not reliable. Performance improves with more steps but after about 20 steps it begins to degrade rapidly. In addition, ChatGPT-4o1 performs better than 4o for only a few cases, showing that this increased thinking time is useful for narrow cases (where reliable synthetic data can be created) and not for open-ended problems.
Another element of concern is that the performance of LLMs is no longer improving exponentially. Ilya Sutskever stated that they are coming to a plateau and that “the 2010s were the age of scaling, now we’re back in the age of wonder and discovery once again.”
This was, however, imaginable. Even if we could build an infinitely large model, we do not have enough quality text to train it [7]:
We find that the total effective stock of human-generated public text data is on the order of 300 trillion tokens, with a 90% confidence interval of 100T to 1000T. This estimate includes only data that is sufficiently high-quality to be used for training, and accounts for the possibility of training models for multiple epochs. — source
The problem is that a model learns only from texts, and if there are no quality texts, it cannot be trained. Quality matters more than just scraping all the possible text. In fact, training on synthetic data is a kind of “knowledge distillation” and can lead to model collapse [16]. Altman states that Orion (which can be considered GPT-5) performs better than previous models but not as much as hoped (e.g., nothing comparable to what we saw between GPT-3 and GPT-4)
LLMs will not magically bring AGI by simply scaling them, that is now well established. The transformer has limitations, it is an exceptional architecture but has generalization limitations. We are simply reaching the limits of a technology that was designed to translate better [8] and luckily has proven to be much more flexible than expected.
A Requiem for the Transformer?
Will be the transformer the model leading us to artificial general intelligence? Or will be replaced?
Can Generative AI Lead to AI Collapse?
AI eating its own tail: the risk of model collapse in generative systems
How to get the AGI?
“With an advanced world model, an AI could develop a personal understanding of whatever scenario it’s placed in, and start to reason out possible solutions.” — Mashrabov, source
The inspiration for having AGI is the human brain. Mostly still some aspects of human cognition are elusive. For some, one of the necessary elements for AGI is the evolution of a ‘world model’. In other words, the human brain learns a representation of the external environment. This representation is used to imagine possible actions or consequences of actions. This model would also be used to generalize tasks we have learned in one domain and apply them to another.
Some researchers claim that LLMs have learned a rudimentary model of the world. For example, in this paper, the authors show that LLMs during training form spatial (and temporal) word models and that these can then be extracted and studied [11].
Other elements are also indicating the appearance of an internal representation of the world. Models’ internal representations of color words are similar to facts about human color perception, the ability to make inferences about the beliefs of an author of a document, internally representing the spatial layout of the setting of a story, and the fact that they pass different benchmarks based on commonsense [14].
Other researchers show [12–13] that models trained on transcripts of games like chess or like Othello learn a representation of the world that can then be used to conduct predictions about moves. These moves would be legal and the model would use this representation to estimate the strength of its opponent.
While such spatiotemporal representations do not constitute a dynamic causal world model in their own right, having coherent multi-scale representations of space and time are basic ingredients required in a more comprehensive model. — source
For several authors, these elements mean that although this world model is rudimentary, LLMs already show the first ingredients, and thus future innovation (or scaling) would allow an internal model of the world to evolve and to make an evolutionary leap in cognition.
However, there is no consensus. According to other researchers: even if this world model is present it is not used either for simulations or for learning causal relationships. Moreover, this model is not reliable and is only an approximation. In a recently published study [15], they trained an LLM on a large dataset of routes taken by cabs in New York City. The LLM would build an internal map internally to conduct the predictions. This map has little resemblance to real city streets, containing impossible roads or flying on other roads.
Because these transformers fail to recover the true street map of New York City, they are fragile for downstream tasks. While they sometimes have amazing route planning abilities, their performance breaks down when detours are introduced. — source
Humans use language as their first form of communication and convey a dense amount of information. Certainly, in language, some patterns can be learned, and some sort of representation can emerge. Intuitively it is difficult for one to learn to reason by mimicking someone else. While it is also true that the presence of an internal pattern is fundamental to AGI, in humans the internal pattern is continually updated by sensory information coming in from outside (whereas LLMs cannot function in continual learning). For some researchers, the integration of a feedback system could be a first step in improving the internal model of LLMs.
Although many researchers are confident that an internal model is the key to AGI, other elements are likely to be needed. For example, even if an internal model emerged that adequately reflected the real world, superior perception (for updating the model) and reasoning (for using the internal model for tasks) capabilities would be needed. Other researchers say that many features of cognition cannot emerge if the model cannot explore the world (embodied cognition). Without a physical presence, the model could not learn certain information about the physical world [17–18].
A world model seems indispensable for AGI, but it does not seem to be sufficient. Embodiment could help AI refine this internal model. Architectural and theory innovations are still lacking to enable AGI.
Through the Uncanny Mirror: Do LLMs Remember Like the Human Mind?
Exploring the Eerie Parallels and Profound Differences Between AI and Human Memory
Open the Artificial Brain: Sparse Autoencoders for LLM Inspection
A deep dive into LLM visualization and interpretation using sparse autoencoders
Parting thoughts
Sam Altman states that AGI will arrive in 2025. However, he seems to be referring to the use of tools by LLMs to solve complex problems. Agent systems that already exist will just be put into production, but this is not AGI (or at least as the scientific community understands it). Today’s LLMs are not capable of those skills that are necessary for AGI: reasoning and creativity. Especially now that the benefits of scaling seem diminished, it doesn’t even seem to be the right technology to get there.
A group of researchers assume that a working world model is needed to understand causal relationships and advance toward AGI. Other work suggests that this world model should receive feedback to be truly useful, perhaps through embodiment. At the same time, new architectures and ideas are being explored to try to overcome the limitations of the transformer [19].
If the AGI arrived the potential risks if it went rogue would be incalculable. Therefore, many researchers are pushing for responsible, safety-focused research. Most researchers are convinced that we could get AGI within ten years. After all, humans are proof that there is no theoretical limit to having a system that reasons and is creative.
There is no consensus on how we can achieve AGI. One possibility is that the architecture that allows us to get AGI is invented for other purposes, and then by scaling it we find that it has all the features of AGI.
What are your thoughts on this? What do you think is necessary to have AGI? Let me know in the comments.
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Here is the list of the principal references I consulted to write this article, only the first name for an article is cited.
- OpenAI, Introducing OpenAI o1-preview, link
- Huang, 2024, O1 Replication Journey — Part 2: Surpassing O1-preview through Simple Distillation, Big Progress or Bitter Lesson? link
- Nikankin, 2024, Arithmetic Without Algorithms: Language Models Solve Math With a Bag of Heuristics, link
- Lu, 2024, AI as Humanity’s Salieri: Quantifying Linguistic Creativity of Language Models via Systematic Attribution of Machine Text against Web Text, link
- Kaplan, 2020, Scaling Laws for Neural Language Models, link
- Snell, 2024, Scaling LLM Test-Time Compute Optimally can be More Effective than Scaling Model Parameters, link
- Villalobos, 2022, Will we run out of data? Limits of LLM scaling based on human-generated data, link
- Vaswani, 2017, Attention Is All You Need, link
- Feng, 2024, How Far Are We From AGI: Are LLMs All We Need? link
- Silver, 2016, Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search, link
- Gurnee, 2023, Language Models Represent Space and Time, link
- Karvonen, 2024, Emergent World Models and Latent Variable Estimation in Chess-Playing Language Models, link
- Li, 2022, Emergent World Representations: Exploring a Sequence Model Trained on a Synthetic Task, link
- Bowman, 2023, Eight Things to Know about Large Language Models, link
- Vafa, 2024, Evaluating the World Model Implicit in a Generative Model, link
- Shumailov, 2024, AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data, link
- LessWrong, 2022, Embodiment is Indispensable for AGI, link
- Tan, 2023, The Path to AGI Goes through Embodiment, link
- Bengio, 2023, Scaling in the service of reasoning & model-based ML, link